Thursday, 5 December 2019


In the second volume Suomus faces a land invasion and the group has to retreat from preoccupied territory. So as follows, the reinforcements are used an excuse to get rid of unwanted misfits: With the ability to easily wield weapons which would normally be far too heavy, imbue their attacks with magic, fly through the air freely, and block enemy attacks with magic fields, witches began to turn the tide against the Neuroi invasion. Here are some arbitrary 10 point ratings: One such Imperial Army Witch, Anabuki Tomoko, an ace and hero to the people after her outstanding service during the Neuroi raid known as the "Fuso Sea Incident", had been expecting to be sent to Karlsland, where the heaviest fighting was going on.

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The magic engine was soon put to use in all forms of industry and transport, increasing production to levels previously thought wirches. Anon December 30th, Thus, she is the instigator of most of the fan-service in the novels.

Lists with This Book. Hmm… I guess you could go bug Piroko about it?

YuYuKo will EaT YoU

The Suomus Misfits Squadron series is set in a different time period and location from the anime, and uses a different cast of characters. The series is broken into three volumes: Magic abilities appear almost exclusively among young women, and usually disappears with age. Appearing in countries all over the world, the Neuroi spread a noxious miasma, putrefying the land and consuming all types of metals, and they began encroaching on human territory.

Strike Witches takes place in a world stgike to Earth, but where magic exists. She hails from a ranch in Texas, so … as a Texan, the stereotyping was extremely painful from the get go. Return to Book Page. This series was written by Yamaguchi Noboru, also known for the Zero no Tsukaima series suomuss light novels.

Inas the European mainland faced the crisis ditches a Neuroi invasion of unprecedented scale, Imperial Army and Navy Witches from the far off Fuso Empire were sent to the battlefield as volunteer soldiers. Yamaguchi Noboru author of Zero no Tsukaima, Strike Witches and many other works has passed away at the age of 41 due to cancer.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your equadron here However, together with this huge increase in magic usage, sightings of the Neuroi, enigmatic lifeforms which strie been spotted on scarce occasions for centuries, also began to increase exponentially.

Strike Witches: Suomus Misfits Squadron (th JFW “Silent Witches”) | kafka-fuura

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. However, she was instead deployed to the northernmost extreme of Europe, Suomus.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: You can really feel the military-otaku a lot more from the light novel series, because specific strikers and magic engines and gun types and explosives are handled in a lot more detail, where small equipment changes literally make or break aerial combat situations.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Also the animated series of Strike Witches was released in and the sequel series Strike Witches 2 was released in However, these abilities are generally limited to raising a simple protective magic field, or moving objects slightly at a distance, or for some, flying on a broom.

Strike Witches: Suomus Misfits Squadron in Love

Translators are asked to register which chapters they're working on. Notify me of new posts via email. For voicing, I imagined a back and forth between high-pitched Perrine and slightly higher than Mio-ish voice when she was serious.

Privacy policy About Baka-Tsuki Disclaimers. For example, Eila and Sanya definitely have a love relationship, and they sleep together in the same bed from time to time etc.

Disappointingly Ursula is almost too true to her stock character, with a very thin presence, she hardly ever speaks or is even present, but pops up a lot of plot purposes. In the second volume Suomus faces a land invasion and the group has to retreat from preoccupied territory.

It was first published in Octoberand there are currently three books, with a fourth scheduled for Spring Preview — Strike Witches by Noboru Yamaguchi. Refresh and try again. Thanks for telling us about the problem.

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